Şablon:Avropa Birligi: Versiyalar arasındaki farq

Content deleted Content added
k r2.7.3) (robot ekley: af, arz, ast, bar, bn, bs, ca, da, de, dsb, el, eo, es, et, eu, fi, fiu-vro, fo, ga, gv, he, hr, hsb, hu, hy, id, ilo, is, jv, la, lad, lb, lt, ms, nn, no, pam, pnt, roa-rup, roa-tara, sco, se, simple, sk, su, sw, ta, tg, th, tl, ...
MerlIwBot (muzakere | İsseler)
k Robot: Removing es:Plantilla:Unión europea (deleted)
53 satır:
[[en:Template:Members of the European Union (EU)]]
[[eo:Ŝablono:Eŭropa Unio]]
[[es:Plantilla:Unión europea]]
[[eu:Txantiloi:Europar Batasuneko kide aurkibidea]]